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How does user authentication with Acrolinx work?


How does user authentication with the Acrolinx Server work when using Acrolinx Connector?


When a user runs an Acrolinx check in Confluence, the Acrolinx Connector transmits their username to the Acrolinx Server. The user's Confluence password is never sent.

User authentication behavior

  • If the user does not yet exist on the Acrolinx server, the user is automatically created in the Acrolinx database with the same username that they used to log on to Confluence.

Acrolinx Connector always uses a generic password (SSO mechanism) in order to authenticate users on the Acrolinx server. This means you have to configure the Acrolinx single sign-on (SSO) feature. This way users don’t need to authenticate on the Acrolinx server separately because it trusts Confluence to do the authentication.

Configure generic password in the Acrolinx Server

First, Acrolinx Support needs to set up SSO in your Acrolinx Platform.

Configure generic password in the Acrolinx Connector

Once SSO is set up on your Acrolinx server, you can configure Acrolinx Connector in Confluence.

Navigate to Confluence administration > Acrolinx Connector > Configuration, and enter your single sign-on password into the Single Sign-on Password field.

Now, all Confluence users with Acrolinx Connector use permissions can use the full functionality of the Acrolinx sidebar in Confluence.

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